Captivating Aromas has been making beeswax products since 2021

Meet the Maker of Captivating Aromas:

Hi, my name is Andrea Church and welcome to Captivating Aromas! I hope you fall in love with these products just as much as I love making them! It all started with my love for candles but could no longer burn them because my son suffered from asthma. I then began searching for a product that would not affect him and that is when I came up with Captivating Aromas. A 100% pure beeswax product that is not only beautiful candles but is also a wax melt and a moisturizing lip balm. Being able to create aromas that are not only to die for but safe to burn for any person has become my passion!

There are so many benefits to using beeswax compared to other waxes

All Natural, Non Toxic

Beeswax is safe, environmental friendly and nontoxic. Beeswax does not undergo any chemical processing.

Air Purifying

Beeswax releases negative ions as it burns. As airborne pollen, dust, and pollutants all carry a positive charge when suspended in the air, the negative ions released from burning beeswax negate the positive charge of air contaminants, and the neutralized ions are sucked back into the burning candle or fall to the ground.


As Beeswax cleans the air and reduce indoor pollutants, it is the best burning wax for those with asthma and allergies.

Cleanest Burning Wax

There is little to no soot with Beeswax.

Slow Burning

Beeswax candles burn longer than regular paraffin or soy candles. Ask about our burn turns!

Bright light

Beeswax candles emit a bright, healthful light within the same spectrum as the sun.